Active Love

“Most of all, love each other steadily and unselfishly, because love makes up for many faults.” 1 Peter 4:8

God’s word describes love in a way that we can act on.  It’s different than our culture looks at love.  It’s strong and vibrant and selfless.  It’s a mighty force to be reckoned with.  Yet it is kind and gentle.  I have found that it melts even the toughest and thickest walls around a heart.  It is calm in a storm.  It is peace in conflict. It is non-defensive in times of insecurity.  It is confident and bold.  I have really had to look at these principles in order to understand how to love in a healthy way. Loving without an expectation or outcome in mind. Not using it as a negotiation tool. It is generous without expecting anything in return.  It is not used as a price of favor.  For me, the perfect expression of love only exists in God.  Everything else is a counterfeit.  Counterfeit dilutes the truth.  True love died on the cross for our sins, whether we accept it or not.  This Love is ours for the taking, anytime anyplace.

1 Corinthians 13

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