Do Not Offend

Embed from Getty Images32” Do not offend Jews or Greeks or any part of the church of God for that matter. 33 Consider my example: I strive to please all people in all my actions and words—but don’t think I am in this for myself—their rescued souls are the only profit.” 1 Corinthians 10:32-33 The Voice

I cringed a little when I read “do not offend anyone.” That sounds impossible!  Some other versions read “do not give offense” or “do not cause others to stumble.” At first this really felt burdensome.  This goes for both outside the church as well as inside the church.

Then as I read on to verse 33, I saw clarification.  I realized I was looking at this through a people pleasing lens.  It is impossible to please people all the time.  If I look at it through the lens of God’s Word, I just have to stay true to that.  Now that’s not always easy either!  However, it is only possible to begin stepping in that direction if I let go of people pleasing.  I have to use the ways of Jesus as the filter for my actions, not other people.

I have to look at people through the eyes of Jesus to see what they need.  I have to look past behavior, choices, and circumstance. I have to simply look at a person’s heart.  That is what Jesus did best.  He looked at a person’s heart, diagnosed what they needed and met that need of their heart.  Without fail, that was found pleasing to all who would receive Him. That is what it is always about: rescuing and transforming lives.

Father, help me to keep my kingdom glasses on as I look at people. Let me see everyone through Your eyes.

I Corinthians 10:13, 23-24, Philippians 1:10, 3:17

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